Do you ship internationally?

Yes, to most countries. Please read the shipping article for more details.


Why are there products from different suppliers? Can't you store them all at your place?

Not at the moment. I don't know what products in what sizes will be in demand just yet. It also requires significant investment up front which I can't afford.

Shipping from suppliers has it's bonuses too! It can be cheaper for international buyers and items are always in stock.

In time I plan to have a small stock of most popular items on hand for emergency cases (like last minute presents). But it most likely won't happen until '23 at the earliest.


Can I buy products from different suppliers in the same order?

Sure you can! However, each shipping source will charge separate shipping that will add up at checkout. I recommend to only buy products from one source at the time.

For your convenience the products are grouped by shipping source in the menu.


What is the sizing for clothes?

Sizing charts should be attached on the product page. 

Subjectively feeling, sizing is somewhat close to US sizes but on the smaller end. If you're unsure, can't understand the size chart, prefer baggier fit, or fit in between sizes - I strongly recommend to size up. 

Please keep in mind, we won't accept returns if you received the correct ordered size and it doesn't fit you.


What is a "Preorder" item?

Preorder items are products from suppliers that don't offer dropshipping and require significant funds/minimal quantity to have it produced.

Usually a picture you'd see is a mostly complete design in digital form but the actual product haven't been made (sometimes I can make samples in advance and then you'd see how the finished product will look like).

You will be charged for such items when you place the order but the items will arrive much later (see description for estimated shipping dates). Please allow 4-8 weeks after ending preorder date for these items to be shipped due to the production times.

Keep in mind, if your order contain preorder items, the whole order will be shipped together. This means even in stock items will be delayed. This only applies to items I have on hand, anything coming from suppliers ships separately.


What does a "Limited Edition" item mean?

Usually I make my products following certain rules (for example, for standees it should be in theme of the games that cabinet was first released with. Ex.: PIU LX will come with Prime 2 screen but not with XX/current game). 

But sometimes there is a lot of demand or I feel like doing something different randomly (like PIU TX with Infinity screen or Black version of PIU LX). In that case I make a Limited Edition item that is similar to regular one but is only printed in a limited quantity. Somewhat of a more exclusive collectible.


Why are your products so expensive?

It's not cheap to make custom products for a small business! Manufacturing costs take significant part of the price. Plus I spend a lot of time on art, packing, and handling your orders.

I try to keep most of the prices in the standard range for the market (T-shirts, keychains).

Sometimes I do have sales so please follow me on social media to not miss out! B grade items are also an option.


Why are some products marked as B grade?

B/C grade means that item has some minor flaws and I don't feel good selling it alongside non-flawed products. In such cases I set up a discounted price and mark it as B or C grade. On acrylic products it's either some kind of scratches or misprints.

B grade products usually still look good and you wouldn't notice the flaws unless you look up close.

C grade may have more visible problems but discount is deeper as well!


Why would you sell something that doesn't pass your quality control fully?

There are couple of reasons, but the main one is:

The item is already produced and takes space at my place. I wouldn't discard it and I can't just keep storing more and more items.

Someone less picky may pick it up at a lower price and we both win!


Where do you get the art from?

I actually draw or recreate most of my art myself! (Excluding some game logos and gameplay screens). It takes quite a lot of time for some things too.


Can you make customized products for my event?

I'm always happy to help fellow rhythm games players if I can!

It depends on the difficulty of the project and time limits. Contact me and we can discuss.


How do you choose what merch to make?

It mostly depends on demand and my familiarity with the game! If I get a lot of requests for some item or game - I will look into making something to fulfill the demand. 

Sometimes I also make something for fun, like Cytus keychain.

There are several limitations though - mostly I'm trying to avoid making exact copies of existing merch (so some games standees are a no currently).


I would like to purchase something different (game/item).

I'm always open to suggestions (but I can't guarantee I'll follow them)! Sometimes I run polls and questionnaires on Twitter, so that is a good possibility too.

However it depends on how rare the game is. If I can't source good reference images - I won't be able to work with it. 

I also can't make an item if I can't find a good supplier for it and for a reasonable price (for example, custom valets cost a lot to manufacture).


Why do you peel off the protective film from the standees but leave it on the keychains?

Standees and keychains come from different places. The film on standees is white so I can't do quality control or sometimes even tell apart the similar shaped parts. Film on keychains is transparent and they require less attention from me overall.

I make sure to package standees in a way so they don't get scratches though.


What rhythm games do you play?

Quite a few!

I major in PIU and Cytus, but also occasionally play for fun some other games such as ToneSphere, ReRave, Jubeat, Pop'n Music, Muse Dash.

I can play some games casually as well, such as DDR, ITG, SDVX.